January 28, 2025

Crib Safety: Things to Know

Crib Safety — What’s In, What’s Out?

Safety standards are always changing, especially when it comes to keeping newborns and infants safe. In 2022, the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) released updated guidelines on safe sleep. We broke down a few key points for you to keep in mind as you settle into a bedtime routine.

How To Choose a Crib

One of the most heartwarming things about welcoming a baby into the world is how generous friends and family can be with hand-me-downs. Many parents end up swimming in second-hand baby gear, from onesies to stuffies to blankets. However, cribs need extra scrutiny. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing a crib:

     ~The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends avoiding cribs that are older than 10 years, as safety standards can change in that time.

     ~Avoid broken or modified cribs. All slats should be intact, and gaps should be no greater than 2 ⅜ inches apart.

     ~Make sure all the hardware is present and in good working order.

     ~Cribs with a “dropside” design are no longer recommended, as babies can accidentally fall out of the crib.

What Goes Inside The Crib

If your baby is still under a year old, SIDS can be a scary prospect. Your baby should be placed on their back to sleep for every sleep.  Other ways to minimize risks include:

     ~Choose a firm, tight-fitting mattress. Make sure there are no gaps between the mattress and sides of the crib.

     ~Swaddles or sleepsacks only. All of those adorable stuffies, blankets, and pillows you got at the baby shower will have to wait. Keeping these things out of the crib will help prevent suffocation.

     ~Keep cords away. Whether they are curtain blinds or baby monitor cords, make sure they are out of reach.

     ~Hälsa Baby? Of course! While the Hälsa Baby wellness monitor is no substitute for following the above recommendations, it does give you an extra sense of security by monitoring your child’s heart rate, oxygen levels, and more, so you’ll know if something is amiss the second it happens.

The first year of a baby’s life can be stressful. Anything that brings you extra peace of mind can be indispensable. That’s why we offer BabyLiveAdvice. If you have questions about your little one’s sleeping environment, we’re here for you.


Tips and advice have been reviewed by our partners at BabyLiveAdviceTM

The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

January 28, 2025

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October 30, 2024
Helping Your Baby Adjust To Daylight Savings

Babies can’t read clocks. If they could, Daylight Savings would be much easier to manage. Until that time comes, adjusting to this twice-yearly disruption falls on you, the parent. Here are some of Hälsa Baby’s tips for making Daylight Savings a little less stressful, broken down by your little one’s age.

Daylight Savings


If you’re caring for a newborn, you might not even realize Daylight Savings is around the corner. And even if it is on your radar, it’s way down the list of things you’re worried about. At this age, you should still be relying on your baby’s normal sleep cues and wake windows — whatever they may be. Chances are, your little one will adjust on their own after a week or two.

Five Months and Older

This is where Daylight Savings can feel the most disruptive. Maybe you’ve finally settled into a predictable bedtime routine, or just figured out the right nap schedule to keep the early evening crankiness at bay. Just like no two babies are the same, there are a few ways to handle the change:

Option 1: Do Nothing

If you haven’t settled into a predictable nap and bedtime routine, it may be best to follow the advice for Newborns above — keeping an eye on wake windows and sleep cues. After all, you can’t disrupt a routine that doesn’t exist yet!

Option 2: Plan Ahead

A few days ahead of the time change, adjust your schedule by ten minutes. If you normally get your little one up at 7:00, wait until 7:10 on Thursday, then 7:20 on Friday etc. Then push each nap and bedtime back 10 minutes as well. If they don’t want to relax in their crib in the morning, hold them in their room with the lights off and the sound machine on until the time comes to start the day. When it’s time to fall back, you’ll be well on your way to a new routine.

Option 3: One Long Weekend

This option packs all the changes into a single weekend. On Saturday, wake up at your normal time, but then add in about 10-15 minutes to each wake window throughout the day. Then do the same on Sunday after the time change until you’ve added an hour of wake time to the weekend. This is perfect if you don’t have to work on the weekends and can dedicate the time and energy to keeping your little one awake and entertained for an additional few minutes before they crash.

Whatever route you choose to take, know that there are millions of parents going through the same thing as you. If you ever need additional tips or encouragement when it comes to sleep schedules, BabyLiveAdvice is here for you at the touch of a button in the Hälsa App.

(Tips and advice sourced from experts at What To Expect and Huckleberry Care)

Note: The content on this site is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice from your doctor, pediatrician, or medical professional. If you have questions or concerns, you should contact a medical professional.

Babies can’t read clocks. If they could, Daylight Savings would be much easier to manage. Until that time comes, adjusting to this twice-yearly disruption falls on you, the parent. Here are some of Hälsa Baby’s tips for making Daylight Savings a little less stressful, broken down by your little one’s age.

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October 15, 2024
The Parents’ Guide To Power Napping

We’ve all heard the cliche, “sleep while the baby sleeps.” But if you are struggling to wind down once your little one is snoozing in their crib, we’ve got some tips to help you catch some shuteye before the baby begins to stir.

The Parents%u2019 Guide To Power Napping

1 - Minimize Distractions

Mindlessly scrolling on social media feeds can be a good way to switch your brain off for a few minutes, but if the goal is catching up on sleep, screens are enemy #1. Silence your phone, turn off the TV, and shut your laptop.

2 - Calm Your Senses

Eye masks aren’t just for red-eye flights. If you can’t get a room dark or quiet enough, an eye mask and earplugs can give your body the cues it needs to recharge.

3 - Set An Alarm

Chances are, you’re more tired than you’ve ever been. But if you’re anxious about not hearing the baby while you nap, you aren’t going to fall asleep at all. Setting the alarm for 20-30 minutes ensures you only nap for as long as you're comfortable being away from your little one.

A good nap, no matter how short, has a way of making the marathon days of caring for a baby that much more manageable. And always remember, if you ever need advice or encouragement, BabyLiveAdvice is here for you at the touch of a button in the Hälsa Baby App.

To learn more about Hälsa Baby’s all-in-one wellness monitor, which gives you everything you need to know about your baby’s wellness and room environment in one system, please visit www.halsababy.com.

We’ve all heard the cliche, “sleep while the baby sleeps.” But if you are struggling to wind down once your little one is snoozing in their crib, we’ve got some tips to help you catch some shuteye before the baby begins to stir.

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October 15, 2024
How Changing Seasons Affect Your Nursery

Keeping your baby’s nursery comfortable as the seasons change can be challenging. Here are a few tips for controlling your little one’s environment, no matter what’s going on outside.

Temperature & Humidity

Staying on top of daily temperature fluctuations - particularly in late spring or early fall — can be tough. The Hälsa Hub uses built-in sensors to monitor humidity levels and temperature, letting you know if anything's off. Also, be sure to pay attention to when the nursery is most exposed to sunlight and plan accordingly. If you can’t cool the room using air conditioning, consider spending nap time somewhere else.

How Changing Seasons Affect Your Nursery


It’s hard to stick to a sleep schedule when it’s still light out at 9 at night. Blackout curtains are invaluable for getting the baby used to a set bedtime, no matter what the sun is doing.

Good blackout curtains also help regulate temperature, especially if the nursery’s windows receive direct sunlight during the day. Win-win, we say.


Whether it's spring thunderstorms or winter windstorms, weather events bring loud noises that can interrupt your little one's rest. Consistently using your Hälsa Hub's built-in lullabies or white noise feature can help muffle the sounds mother nature throws at you.

You’ll learn so much about what works — and what doesn’t — over the first year of your baby’s beautiful life. And always remember, if you ever need advice or encouragement, Hälsa’s BabyLiveAdvice is here for you, 24/7.

To learn more about Hälsa Baby’s all-in-one wellness monitor, which gives you everything you need to know about your baby’s wellness and room environment in one system, please visit www.halsababy.com.

You put so much thought and care into your nursery, from the colors of the paint to the placement of the rocking chair to the impossibly adorable illustrations hung on the walls. It is you and your baby’s sanctuary; a place to bond, rest, and play. But depending on where in the world you live — as well as where in your house the nursery is — the changing seasons can impact the comfy, cozy nest you’ve built. Here are a few tips for controlling your little one’s environment, no matter what the forecast has in store.

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